
The legal regulation of antitrust activities in Belarus is constantly becoming more complicated, which is consistent with global and European trends. In this connection, our clients have problems in connection with the need to obtain permits from the antimonopoly authorities, clarification of the norms of antitrust laws.

Our company provides legal services in the field of antitrust regulation in the following areas:

  • representation of clients’ interests in relations with antitrust and other state bodies;
  • advice on all matters of antitrust regulation;
  • legal audit of contracts, work schemes for compliance with antitrust regulation;
  • obtaining approval by the antimonopoly authorities of transactions, contracts, agreements, mergers and acquisitions, as well as other legally significant actions;
  • advising on issues related to the preparation and conduct of tenders, out-of-court procedures for contesting tender results;
  • accompaniment of the filing and consideration of complaints in connection with unfair competition to the commission to establish the fact of the presence (absence) of violation of antitrust laws.
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г. Минск
ул. Карла Либкнехта, 66А
офис 210