г. Минск, ул. Карла Либкнехта, 66
офис 210

Permits for the construction of the facility

To start construction, the applicant must obtain documents authorizing this type of activity. The necessary documentation is issued by the local executive committee in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The applicant is directly the customer, the developer, the engineering organization, the general contractor who carries out complex construction works. In accordance with Law No. 300-3, the following types of activities are considered construction:
  • construction of buildings and structures for various purposes;
  • repair;
  • reconstruction and restoration;
  • landscaping;
  • dismantling of an old building;
  • conservation of an unfinished building.

Types of permits in construction

Such papers include:
  • Architectural and planning task.
The APZ contains the norms imposed on the architectural and spatial parameters of the object. The task is made, taking into account the location of the land plot on which the building or structure is located. The APZ does not contain requirements for the design, planning features, decoration, lighting, equipment of the structure.
  • The act of choosing the location of the allotment of land.
The document contains the conditions under which a plot of land is provided, taking into account the norms of the Land Code. The act justifies the expediency of the location of the allotment, talks about the qualitative characteristics and composition of the land, the presence of restrictions on operation and other information. The act is considered the basis for the organization of design and survey work. After the document is approved, the executive committee is deprived of the right to approve and grant this site to another applicant.
  • Technical conditions.
Technical specifications contain data on the connection of the construction object to engineering communications.
  • Technical requirements.
For the safe operation of the facility, a number of requirements are imposed on it, which are contained in the relevant document.
  • Urban planning passport.
The documentation is developed taking into account urban planning regulations. The passport contains information about the characteristics of the future development, the site on which the object is located. GP also includes a number of requirements: architectural, engineering, security, survey. The package of permits for the construction of the facility also includes decisions of the executive committee:
  • About the exclusion from the fund and the provision of land.
  • About carrying out design and survey work.
  • Construction permit.
In some cases, you may need permission from the Ministry of Culture. Such papers are necessary for the legitimate conduct of scientific, research and design work with historical and cultural architectural values. The applicant is engaged in the preparation of the package. Who is engaged in the preparation, preparation, development of conditions for construction documentation:
  • Municipal unitary enterprise or territorial subdivision for architecture and construction: APZ, technical conditions and requirements, PIR, permission for the construction of the object.
  • Land management organization: the act of choosing the location of the land plot, the decision of the executive committee on the provision of land.
Pay attention. For the preparation and issuance of permits for construction, a special procedure has been developed, fixed in Regulation No223. The applicant should know that the composition of the package of papers depends on the type of activity (construction, repair, reconstruction, dismantling). Important. The applicant is obliged to obtain the necessary documents if he is going to erect, reconstruct or modernize, restore, demolish the building. He must also provide the appropriate papers for the design and improvement of the common area. If the applicant is going to carry out technical modernization, a permit document will not be required. In this case, the project must be coordinated with the territorial department of architecture and construction.

Validity of documents and liability

The documentation authorizing construction and design work is valid until the facility is put into operation. The terms are also determined by the documents themselves. The applicant must remember that he is responsible for non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation. Unauthorized construction, which is carried out without permits, leads to the imposition of a fine in the amount of 500 B. V. Violation of the law leads to the fact that the applicant is deprived of the right to dispose of the constructed object and bears additional costs for legalizing or dismantling the building.

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г. Минск
ул. Карла Либкнехта, 66А
офис 210